Sunday, July 3, 2011

Secret Dating Tactics Nice Guys Use To Get Women

Nice guys usually finish last. Treat her right, and she'll dump you for some jerk who treats her wrong. Offer her respect and be a gentlemen, and she'll think of you as an older brother, not as a lover.

But all is not lost. There is a secret for being a nice guy and still being able to attract women. In this article I will give you specific strategies you can use to turn up attraction without turning off your values.

In order to make women attracted to us, we must understand what causes their attraction. Think about the bad boy she chose over you. Chances are he had one or all of these qualities: He was spontaneous, intriguing, and unpredictable. One minute he'd smile at her and then next minute he'd insult her. He didn't seek for her approval, because he didn't need it. He was too busy living life by his rules.

Women find these qualities very attractive. Most nice guys aren't intriguing at all. Where's the drama in being nice? And as far as predictably goes... there is none. Girl does something you like and being a nice guy, you reward her for it. Boring. Are you beginning to see why women like bad buys over nice guys?

Article Source:

The Dating Survival Guide - The Top Ten Tactics For Total Success Read more: The Dating Survival Guide - The Top Ten Tactics For Total Success | iVil

We all get knock-backs - where a man's not interested or doesn't ring again after the first date or two. Women with what I call 'dating fitness' have optimism and confidence so that 'knock-backs' aren't the end of the world. They know there'll be other date-opportunities around the corner; that his lack of interest didn't necessarily reflect personally on them; and that men prefer women who don't make too many dating 'trade-offs' - like dumping friends as soon as he rings - just to get a date!

Tactic 2: Be fantastic at first impressions
I'd be rich if I had the proverbial pound for every woman who told me, 'I missed a chance when this great-looking bloke came into my office and I didn't have the guts to even look at him!' By planning ahead with all my advice, you won't miss opportunities as they arise and will still appear spontaneous! Once you've got a date lined up, just as footballers visualise scoring goals, start visualising your impending date as being fantastic. Run it like a film through your head - the evening goes from strength to strength, affirming to yourself all your positive points, and being calm and confident because you've got yourself sorted early.

Tactic 3: Be confident - avoid the 'I'm unworthy' complex!
Confidence is critical to your dating success and men notice the dirty dozen signs of when a woman feels 'unworthy'. The tell-tale signs of unworthiness include: when a woman gushes about her past successes and how many men are asking her out right now; when without prompting she claims she's not looking for 'anything special'; when she's overly flirtatious with too much touching; and when she asks to be compared to his exes all too soon. Being confident is incredibly attractive and my advice is to at least appear confident - even if you're nervous inside!

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